
StatPlus is system monitor tool for CPU, Memory, Battery usages and providing date/time information with configurable HotKey for launching applications. Since version 2.1, StatPlus can handle Process, like free its physical memory or kill it.

Almost all items in StatPlus can be config, like TrayIcon, you can set its font, color, showing CPU or Mem or Bat. And the text of menu items and tips of TrayIcon can be set in "StatPlus.ini". If "StatPlus.ini" contain Chinese BIG5 information, please replace it by "StatPlusE.ini", restart StatPlus, then you will have English menu.

Version 2.2+ provides Email list and delete directly from EMail Server.

Version 2.3+ provides game playing force rest feature, and StatPlus does not use REG settings anymore, only using INI settings.

Version 2.4+ using UPX to compress StatPlus.exe to avoid the "False Positive" problems of the antivirus software. Support Vista/Win7 (x64) CPU loading monitoring.

Version 2.5b+ add recording BatteryInfo for estimating Evaluate battery life for laptop and remove following features: Mailbox checking, Number KeyPad, (auto) memory release,...

Version 2.6+ provides Multi-CPU Loading information and reminding rest for each hour.

Version 2.7+ enhance BatteryInfo recording, and counting charge/discharge mWh.

Version 3.0+ add simple time mode(with multi-CPU loading info.) Double click status to switch mode, can set the default mode from the setting menu.

Install \StatPlus\FONT\D1234.ttf for digital time font. This font was built on, you can try to make another digital font by yourself.

Copyright © 2006-2022 by dllee(Dong-Liang, Lee). All rights reserved.